Attract more clients and talent
as a hidden champion.

With a system, not guesswork. Done for you in just 16 weeks.

Katie Caiger

3 Things you'll achieve with me:


You're the Number 1 when it comes to top talent.


oodles of

Investors beating a path to your door. Leads through the letterbox.


Sleep like
the proverbial

You've got your business targets in the bag.

Spoiler alert:
You can save yourself those expensive ads from now on.

Words others choose about me

“relentless like the Spanish Inquisition” (I think it was my husband Danny or a customer I called too often...)

“adventurous” (my surf buddy. Or was it a customer after they saw my bill? Just kidding.)

“incredibly creative” (a customer, or the policeman when I was trying to talk my way out of my speeding ticket?)

“boring” (No, wait, no one's ever said that before!)

“passionate” (Maybe my husband too — or a customer?)

Hello There!
I'm Katie.

Weightlifting and surfing mama. Businesswoman. Founder of Haus Of Words™. Adventurer. German recipe, Mexican spice, British finish.

For over a decade, I’ve helped technology, engineering, and industrial companies reach the decision-makers who drive high-value deals.

I studied Marketing, Anthropology & Psychology—learning how buying decisions are truly made. I’ve helped over 1,000 companies sharpen their digital positioning. I’ve written millions of words for businesses—but more importantly, I’ve helped them win clients faster.

What drives me?
Turning underdogs and hidden champions into industry leaders.

Under a microscope, you wouldn’t find blood in my veins—you’d find alphabet soup. Words are my DNA. But words alone don’t sell. The right positioning does.

Katie auf der Couch

Me, in a nutshell

Here's what
I offer

Corporate influencer marketing + personal branding

You have a business? Great! Do you have employees who want to create authentic content regularly as a face for your brand? Is “social selling” on the agenda? Together, we build your tailored content marketing strategy. During workshops and weekly strategy meetings, I guide prospective corporate influencers on how to find the right words for their messages. Personally, professionally, authentically.

We're building a community.

Brand Essence
+ Brand Voice

Who are you as a business? How do you want to be perceived? What should people remember about you? How do you sound? What makes you stand out at the core? Do you communicate consistently across platforms, or are there logical breaks that can scare off prospects? Together, we’ll work out a style guide and define your language precisely, so that you always know what to say, how, and where. Including for the German market. That’s because what works well in the UK doesn‘t necessarily work for a German audience. Trust me.

We'll find your voice.


As a bilingual expert, I consult on (,–and write content for) the German and the UK markets, respectively. Your content will be written in both languages as required. Do you have German clients, or are you expanding to Germany? You can be sure that your message will come across. Cultural subtleties? Love 'em. I don't just provide strategic support; I'll also pick up the pen myself if you need the right words for your pitch-perfect internal and external comms.

we get you across properly.

The Haus in numbers

You don't have to be a math whiz to figure out that: You + I = makes sense.

Katie mit einem Stift zwischen Nase und Mund
6.3 million

impressions generated in 2024


words written






Cups of tea [very British indeed]

Nice words about the Haus

Portrait von Janina Breitling. Sie ist CEO bei nookees

“Katie gets 10/10 from my side for her amazing work! She got the topic super quick and has so many good ideas, so much great knowledge and so much terrific humor that every meeting is a blast. Katie helps me find my voice on LinkedIn and with her support I am ready to conquer the period universe, i.e. on this platform. Big shoutout for this amazing collaboration! ”

Janina Breitling
CEO | nookees
Portrait von Jonas Zeman.  Er ist Co-Founder von modento.

“Our collaboration with Katie was and continues to be an asset to the development of modento. As an innovative dental laboratory, which is becoming more and more established from a pure manufacturer of premium dental prostheses to an educational and recommendation platform for top dental practices throughout Germany, we faced a number of challenges that needed to be addressed urgently.

At the beginning of our project, we suffered from inconsistent and unexciting texts. Our website was also struggling with a conversion rate that was anything but good, which prevented us from effectively getting our message across and getting the results we wanted.

Katie came on the scene during this phase and successfully helped us with our course correction with her experience. She not only used her expertise to rewrite our website, but also helped us develop a consistent and authentic brand language. Further successful projects have already been implemented, which help us to expand our reach and make our concept better known. ”

Jonas Zeman
Co-Founder | modento
Katie leaning against a big house wall. There are stripes painted on the wall.

Sound familiar?


In your industry, you are only known to insiders


Your lead gen
eats up valuable resources


your Visibility and reach are (let's be honest) a bit naff


Your order situation fluctuates strongly


You can't find
any suitable Job Candidates

“Employee-generated social marketing leads convert 7x more often than others.”

(Study: IBM)

My heart beats for hidden champions.

You have a highly professional, passionate approach and Embrace innovation To the max. But, unfortunately, All behind closed doors.

Katie lächelnd mit einer Tasse in ihren Händen.

Your digital visibility is more important than ever. We can agree on that, right? Your team is at the heart of a hidden champion — a troupe of superheroes in the tech world. They proudly wear the emblem of your innovation and expertise. It is time to tell your stories and show the world what you have to offer.Could you let your employees share their enthusiasm? From small victories in everyday life to significant breakthroughs that only happen behind the scenes. Your employees are living proof of your excellence and the spirit that drives your company.Help them share their experiences. Let them become empowered ambassadors of your brand who are itching to show why you're a true champion with authenticity and passion.Does this question make you all fidgety? Do you find yourself struggling with what to say in simple words so everyone in the room understands? Whether in healthcare, IT, finance or industrial engineering, we'll find your story, your topics, and your confident voice. We are on hand to support you as you become a lighthouse for your brand as a corporate influencer.

YOur journey with me:

SensES +

Together, we are building a holistic brand identity. That sounds quite lofty for now. But it's very simple: we make sure that your prospective customers have a coherent experience with you. This creates trust. One key bonus of this approach: you're making yourself remarkable in the truest sense of the word. You're stuck in your prospective customer's head in that noisy world out there. And that is what we want for you.

Values +

Your values and identity are the foundation of your brand. Without them, your company would be built on sand. That's why we look through the brand lens to see where you can become clearer and more coherent in your internal and external communication. You will receive a short guide that is there just for you and will lead you through the jungle of digital visibility.

psychology +

People buy from people. And they do so exactly where their gut feeling tells them: "You've come to the right place!"
With every text, we make sure that the right message comes across. So that the other person is seen and understood. That their heart and mind are equally happy. To achieve the best possible result, we draw on research in behavioural psychology and neuroscience. May endorphins flow, and your sales be happy!

Culture +

"To speak another language is to have another soul" - perhaps you've heard the phrase. Just because your offering works well in one market, doesn't mean that it can be transferred one-to-one to other countries. Cultural nuances represent huge barriers to your success. Thanks to a network of talented native speakers, we ensure that your message is convincing everywhere.

Market +

What makes your communication so successful? We listen carefully to what makes the market boogey. What do people really want? What trends are there in your industry? How can you respond? What does it take for you to be recognised as a thought leader in your niche? What experiments can we dare to try, and what variations can we test, in order to stay ahead in your market? What are similar companies doing?

YOU + I =

You are an expert in your field. It didn't happen overnight. It was a process. I see the creation of your personal brand in the same way. You don't build trust in ten minutes. That's why I'm a fan of openness, transparency and appreciation. Bending over backwards is definitely not the order of the day. I want you to have fun. I'm your co-creator and wordsmith who is at least as passionate as you are about what you do.

“Katie Caiger has been an absolute dream partner to have on our team; her guidance has been instrumental in helping us translate our new website and set up our new blog and social media accounts. We have been nothing but impressed by the amount of research, knowledge, enthusiasm and professionalism she brings to our project - not to mention her quick turn-around times. She is a very good listener and we always feel she really will do whatever it takes to turn our wishes into reality. We plan on keeping her on board for as long as possible!”

The Schloss Berleburg team

“8 out of 10 CxOs
consult Social Media  when making a purchase decision. ”

(Study: IDC)

Wir haben schon mal auf LinkedIn gepostet – es hat nichts gebracht. WieSo sollte das jetzt anders sein?

Weil die meisten Unternehmen LinkedIn falsch nutzen: zufällige Posts, keine klare Strategie, keine systematische Lead-Generierung.

Was wir tun, ist komplett anders:

✔ Wir optimieren euer LinkedIn-Profil für Conversions – damit Kunden sofort verstehen, warum sie mit euch sprechen sollten.
✔ Wir setzen ein Lead-Generierungssystem auf – damit ihr nicht einfach nur Content postet, sondern gezielt die richtigen Kunden anzieht.
✔ Wir verkürzen eure Verkaufszyklen – weil euer Social Selling nicht nach Werbung aussieht, sondern nach Expertise.

Meine Reputation steht und fällt mit deiner Zufriedenheit. Und genau die will ich zu 100 % erlangen, wenn du mir dein Vertrauen schenkst.


Wie schnell sehen wir Ergebnisse?

Das hängt von eurer Ausgangssituation ab. Aber meine Kunden sehen in der Regel:

Sichtbare Verbesserungen innerhalb der ersten 7 Tage (Optimierung von LinkedIn-Profilen & Positionierung)

Mehr Engagement & erste Anfragen in den ersten 4-6 Wochen

Ein funktionierendes Inbound-System innerhalb von 16 Wochen

Das Ziel: Kein einmaliger Marketing-Boost, sondern ein nachhaltiges System, das euch auch in zwei Jahren noch hochqualifizierte Anfragen bringt.


Wie viel Zeit müssen wir investieren?

You're not alone there. This is exactly where I come in: we develop an efficient plan that supports you instead of stretching you even more. You will learn exactly how to generate maximum visibility without feeling you're working for social media. Also, I'm there for you, every step of the way.You can actively involve me in content creation. I write posts, press releases, websites, and newsletters, and train your creators on storytelling and content marketing. Think of me as your outsourced Marketing Consultant.


Our marketing budget is quite small. What to do?

Ja – und genau deshalb bin ich der richtige Partner für euch. Ich ersetze kein Team – ich optimiere es. Ich bringe eine bewährte, erprobte Strategie für LinkedIn & B2B Social Selling mit, die eure bestehende Marketing- und Sales-Arbeit noch effektiver macht.


What would our collaboration
with you look like?

I am your co-thinker who works tirelessly (within the framework of humane working hours) for your success, and is constantly on the lookout for new trends and ideas. We remain in continuous communication on the platform of your choice (most use Teams or Trello). It is important to me that we work together in terms of content and strategy. That's why I meet most clients for a weekly content call.


What investment are we facing?

Authority Accelerator - Mehr Sichtbarkeit. Mehr Anfragen. Mehr Impact. In 16 Wochen.

Dein Invest liegt bei £30K für die Gesamtlaufzeit von 16 Wochen. Hier bekommst du kein einmaliges Marketing-Projekt, sondern ein skalierbares System, das dir langfristig qualifizierte Anfragen bringt – ohne Kaltakquise und zeitfressende Contentplanung.

Das bringt dir der Authority Accelerator

Strategische Positionierung: Wir machen dein Unternehmen auf LinkedIn zu einer klar erkennbaren Autorität, sodass Kunden und Talente sich bei dir melden – nicht umgekehrt.

Lead-Gen-System: Dein LinkedIn-Account wird zu einer automatisierten Lead-Maschine. Ich optimiere dein Profil, erstelle eine klare Content-Strategie und entwickle ein nachhaltiges Outbound- & Inbound-System für mehr qualifizierte Anfragen.

Langfristige Unabhängigkeit: Nach den 16 Wochen hast du nicht nur ein funktionierendes System, sondern ein Team, das es eigenständig weiterführen kann – ohne teure Agenturen oder unklare Marketing-Experimente.

Mein Ansatz liefert in kurzer Zeit ein System, das langfristig für dich arbeitet – und sich oft schon mit dem ersten gewonnenen Auftrag amortisiert.

Und danach? Gibt es eine Möglichkeit zur weiteren Zusammenarbeit?

Ja, für ausgewählte Kunden biete ich je nach Verfügbarkeit nach dem Authority Accelerator ein Retainer-Modell an. Sofern wir beide feststellen, dass wir gemeinsam noch mehr herausholen können, begleite ich euch weiterhin bei der Optimierung, Skalierung und Feinjustierung. Retainer starten ab £5K/Monat.


Katie, where can I get your new book on corporate influencer marketing?

You can order my book directly on Amazon.


We have international customers. Will I also receive translations?

Yes! English/German or German/English for everything your heart desires. We attach particular importance to the consistency of your terminology, the right tone of voice for your target audience and fast delivery times. Feel free to use the contact form to tell us more.

Gin and tonic or wine?

Gin and tonic. I like it sparkly.

Do you always look this good?

Most of the time. After the deadlifting, the case looks different.

If you could put one zoo animal in your garden, what would it be?

Alpacas all the way. I'm still a strong supporter of my alpaca farm behind the house. My family doesn't agree. I don't even understand. You?

What is your favorite word?

Sobremesa (Spanish): That relaxing time after dinner, when you're full and satisfied and just sitting at the table and chatting. You could think of it as the 'dessert, 'but it's all about entertainment. Happy words shared with loved ones. I like that.

Katie im Interview

Still here?

Well, then you Must've liked something. Great stuff. still feel like
Building  a...




Brand presence

Then we should definitely have a chat (remember: someone out there with half your age, half your brains and half your charming personality is going full throttle on all platforms right now). Let's make you sparkle like Champagne. On ice. With juicy strawberries. On a picnic blanket. Sorry, I'm getting carried away here. My point is: you deserve much better, and I'm here to give you just that..  

Portrait von Sarah Levett. Sie ist Head Of Marketing bei IOT Solutions Group

„Katie has helped us set in motion our much-anticipated Podcast project. As a startup in the tech world, we felt that we needed to reach a broader audience and maximise our potential in bringing together leading experts. We needed a platform. Katie‘s insights and knowledge in social media, podcasting and organic reach have been invaluable to our overall marketing strategy. She is an expert storyteller with a heartfelt passion for people and a meticulous eye for quality and swiftness.“

Sarah Levett
Head Of Marketing | IOT Solutions Group


Here's the thing with a long, successful collaboration. It all starts with a “hello.” Are you ready?

Katie in ihrem Büro

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